July 21, 2023: World Premiere, International Double Reed Society Conference, Mahidol University, Salaya, Thailand (Reed^5)
Trio No. 9 for Ob, Soprano Sax, and Bassoon, Jonathan Posthuma
July 21, 2023: World Premiere, InInternational Double Reed Society Conference, Mahidol University, Salaya, Thailand (BS Project)
Hummingbird Banter, Gary Powell Nash
July 30, 2022: World Premiere, International Double Reed Society Conference, University of Colorado-Boulder, Boulder, CO (Dúo León)
Across, Theresa Martin
July 28, 2022: World Premiere, International Double Reed Society Conference, University of Colorado-Boulder, Boulder, CO (Stephanie Carlson, oboe + Carpe Diem String Quartet)
Three Aviaries for oboe, English horn, Narrator, and String Quartet, Kincaid Rabb
June 1, 2022: World Premiere, Northfield Public Library, Northfield, MN (Chione Quintet)
Shoua and the Northern Lights Dragon, Jocelyn Hagen
May 20, 2022: World Premiere, Dassel Public Library, Dassel, MN (BS Project)
Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox Find the Blues, Brian Handeland and Susan Miranda
May 13, 2022: World Premiere, Friday’s in the Valley Recital Series, Valley Community Presbyterian Church, Golden Valley, MN (BS Project)
Blue & Yellow, Becky Sun
2022: World Premiere, Hamline University, Saint Paul, MN (Dúo León)
Hidden Currents (oboe and harp), Katherine Bergman
November 5, 2021: World Premiere, Studio Z, Saint Paul, MN (Solo oboe)
No. 65 “Sealed Woman”, Jonathan Posthuma
November 4, 2021: World Premiere, Olivet Congregational Church, Saint Paul, MN (BS Project)
No. 19 “She Bellows, We Play”, Jonathan Posthuma
September 19, 2021: World Premiere, Amore Coffee, West St. Paul, MN (BS Project)
No. 1 “Twittering Machine”, Jonathan Posthuma
September 18, 2021: Virtual Premiere via Breathe Collective Premiere (Chione Quintet)
Stop for Equity, Dr. Gary Powell Nash
September 10, 2021: World Premiere, West St. Paul Art Park, West St. Paul, MN (BS Project)
Prism, Sy Brandon
September 10, 2021: World Premiere, West St. Paul Art Park, West St. Paul, MN (BS Project)
Pastorales in Three Colors, Yu Tsuruku
April 23, 2021: Virtual Premiere during Paul Klee: Painted Songs - Spring 2021 - Digital Review (Solo)
No. 67 “Slightly Dry Poem”, Jonathan Posthuma
March 8, 2021: World Premiere with Dr. Onsby C. Rose & Dordt Wind Symphony, B. J. Haan Auditorium, Sioux Center, IA (Solo)
Hidden Currents, Katherine Bergman
February 6, 2020: World Premiere at Schubert Club, Saint Paul, MN (Chione Quintet)
Pillars of Air and Light, Michael Maiorana
July 31, 2019: World Premiere during quINTENSIVE Chamber Music Camp at St. Croix Lutheran Academy (Chione Quintet)
Kinetic: II. Current, Tim Takach
July 31, 2019: World Premiere during quINTENSIVE Chamber Music Camp at St. Croix Lutheran Academy (Chione Quintet)
Pillars of Air and Light: I. Forest I, Michael Maiorana
April 18, 2019: World Premiere at Schubert Club, Saint Paul, MN (Chione Quintet)
The Emperor’s New Prose [part 1], Abbie Betinis
August 2, 2018: World Premiere during quINTENSIVE Chamber Music Camp, Midwest Musical Imports, Minneapolis, MN (Chione Quintet)
Expedition, Lynn Blake John
Dúo León’s premiere of Across by Theresa Martin at the 2022 International Double Reed Society Conference in Boulder, Colorado
BS Project with Jonathan Posthuma following the premiere of “She Bellows, We Play”.
BS Project with composer Becky Sun after premiering Blue & Yellow on May 13, 2022 in Golden Valley, MN
BS Project premiering Hummingbird Banter by Gary Powell Nash at the 2023 IDRS Conference in Salaya, Thailand
Chione Quintet during the video shoot for Dr. Gary Powell Nash’s “Stop for Equity
Chione Quintet’s quINTENS!VE Faculty Recital, July 31, 2019, premiered movements by Timothy Takach and Michael Maiorana
Larkspur Reed Trio with composer Jonathan Posthuma after their premiere of Larkspur: Prelude and Scherzo at the 2023 International Clarinet Festival in Denver, CO
Dúo León preparing to premiere Libby Larsen’s One Way to Hear the Snow February 26, 2023 at University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS
Chione Quintet with composer Jocelyn Hagen after their premiere of Shoua and the Northern Lights Dragon June 1, 2022 at Northfield Public Library in Northfield, MN