Chamber Music Collaborations
Chamber music has become a significant Passion of mine. I have founded and co-founded many chamber ensembles over the years. Creating educational programming and outreach opportunities has been a large part of my work as a chamber musician. Aside from the ensembles I regularly perform with, here are some additional groups and projects that I have been a part of.
Sunflower 7 Reed Quintet performing at 2024 International SHE Festival at University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR
Reed^5 performing at 2023 International Double Reed Society Conference in Malaya, Thailand
Reed^5 and Plumeria Reed Trio Collaboration with composer Jonathan Posthuma at White Bear Lake Arts Center in White Bear, Minnesota in August 2023
Chione Quintet + University of Wisconsin Madison Woodwind Quintet + Edina High School Quintet at Edina High School, Minnesota
2019 quINTENS!VE Chamber Music Camp Students and Faculty at Arts in the Park Art Festival, West St. Paul, Minnesota
2022 quINTENS!VE Chamber Music Camp Students and Faculty at Hamline University, Saint Paul, Minnesota